Jeremiah D. Still, Ph.D.
My Vita (.pdf)
Dr. Still

The Psychology of Design (PoD) laboratory is dedicated to advancing the fields of Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction. We achieve this by translating cutting-edge cognitive theory into impactful design solutions, enhancing the usability and safety of technology in everyday life.

Our current research program focuses on two critical areas:

First, we are pioneering new methods to optimize attention management within complex interface displays. By strategically leveraging visual salience, hierarchical structures, and perceptual grouping, we aim to amplify users' cognitive abilities, enabling them to seamlessly navigate and utilize information-rich environments across diverse domains such as e-commerce, aerospace, and medicine.

Second, we are addressing the growing need for effective cybersecurity awareness by investigating the role of individual differences in online behavior. Through rigorous examination of personality traits and innovative AI agent prototyping, we are developing inclusive design strategies to promote safer cyber practices for all users, including improved authentication methods, robust phishing defenses, and enhanced cyber hygiene.

The PoD lab is committed to producing high-impact research that contributes to the academic literature and translates into real-world applications, making technology more intuitive, efficient, and secure for everyone.

Earl Alluisi Award, Recognizes "outstanding achievements made by an applied experimental/engineering psychologist within 10 years of earning their Ph.D.", awarded by APA Division 21 for 2019

Fellowship in the Psychonomic Society

Distinguished Teaching Award, Recognized by ODU’s Department of Psychology for 2018

Shining Star Award, Recognized for helping students succeed at ODU for 2017

Liberal Arts and Sciences Council of Chairpersons Award for 2012

Dr. James V. Mehl Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award for 2011 {one faculty member is selected from the university yearly for this award}

Exceptional Teaching in a Small Enrollment Course Award, awarded 2008, Department of Psychology at Iowa State University

Design Cognition Best Paper Prize at the Third International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (2008, Georgia Institute of Technology)

Human-Computer Interaction Student of the Year, awarded 2008, Iowa State University [ Video ]

Glenn D. Dolence Recognition Award “Distinguished Contributions to the University Community”, awarded 2004, Missouri Southern State University – Joplin

Select Publications: Main Focus:

My Archive:

Still, J. D. (accepted).  Mobile interface design patterns and attentional maps. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Garcia, K. R., Mishler, S., Xiao, Y., Wang, C., Hu, B., Still, J. D., & Chen. J. (2022). Drivers’ understanding of artificial intelligence in automated driving systems: A study of a malicious stop sign. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 16 , 237-251.

Pacailler, M., Yahoodik, S., Sato, T., Ammon, J., & Still, J. D. (2022). Human-centered artificial intelligence: Beyond a two-dimensional framework. Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 474-482.

Still, J. D. & Hicks, J. M. (2020). Mobile interface attentional priority model. Springer Nature: Computer Science, 142, 1-11. [ Article ]

Still, J. D. & Still, M. L. (2019). Influence of visual salience on webpage product searches. Journal of ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 16, 1-11. [ Article ]

Still, M. L. & Still, J. D. (2019). Cognitively describing intuitive interactions. In A. Blackler (Ed), Intuitive interaction: research and applications.(pp. 41-61). Boca Raton, Florida, USA: Taylor and Francis

Still, J. D. (2018). Web page visual hierarchy: Examining Faraday's guidelines for entry points. Journal of Computers in Human Behavior, 84, 352-359. [ Article ]

Still, J. D. (2017). Web page attentional priority model. Journal of Cognition, Technology, & Work, 19, 363-374. [ Article ]

Still, J. D., Cain, A. A., & Schuster, D. (2017). Human-Centered authentication guidelines. Journal of Information and Computer Security,25, 437-453. [ Article ]

Still, M. L., & Still, J. D. (2018). Subliminal Techniques: Considerations and recommendations for analyzing feasibility. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 34, 457-466. [ Article ]

Grgic, J., Still, M. L., & Still, J. D. (2016). Effects of cognitive load on affordance-based interactions. Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 1042-1051. [ Article ]

Still, J. D. (2016). Cybersecurity needs you! ACM Interactions (May + June: Feature), 23(3), 54-58. [ Article ]

Still, J. D., Still, M. L., & Grgic, J. (2015). Designing intuitive interactions: Exploring performance and reflection measures. Interacting with Computers, 27, 271-286. [ Article ]

Still, M. L. & Still, J. D. (2015). Contrasting traditional in-class exams with frequent online testing. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 4, 30-40. [ Article ]

Still, J. D. & Dark, V. J. (2013). Cognitively describing and designing affordances. Journal of Design Studies, 34(3), 285-301. [ Article ]

Still, J. D. (2011, May + June). Experimental Design: Does External Validity Trump Internal Validity? ACM Interactions, 18(13), 66-68. [ Article ]

Still, J. D ., & Dark, V. J. (2010). Examining working memory load and congruency effects on affordances and conventions. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68(9), 561-571. [ Article ] 

Optimizing Attentional Management in Complex Displays

Still, J. D. & Still, M. L. (2024). Employing a computational model to reveal stimulus-driven influences in interfaces. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Conference, 1-5. [Article ]

Still, J. D., Hicks, J. M., & Cain, A. A. (2020). Examining the influence of saliency within mobile interface displays. Journal of AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 12, 28-44. [ Article ]

Hicks, J. & Still, J. D. (2019). Examining the effects of clutter and target salience in an e-commerce visual search task. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Conference, 1761-1765. [ Article ]

Still, J. D., Hicks, J., Cain, A. A., & Billman, D. (2017). Predicting stimulus-driven attentional selection within mobile interfaces. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cognitive and Neuroergonomics, 255-261. [ Article ]

Masciocchi, C. M. & Still, J. D. (2013). Alternatives to eye tracking for predicting stimulus-driven attentional selection within interfaces. Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 34, 285-301. [ Article ]

Still, J. D. & Masciocchi, C. M. (2010). A saliency model predicts fixations in web interfaces. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Model-Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces, Atlanta, GA. [ Article ]

Human-Centered Cybersecurity

Still, J. D. & Still, M. L. (2025). Cognition-Inspired Design: Demonstrations in graphical authentication. In W. Patterson (Ed.), New Perspectives in Behavioral Cybersecurity II. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 

Still, J. D., Morris, T., & Edwards, M. E. (2024). Investigating university QR code interactions. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust, 1-12. [ Article ]

Katsarakes, A., Edwards, M., & Still. J. D. (2024). Where do users look when deciding if a text message is safe or malicious? Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Conference, 1-5.

Morris, T.W., & Still, J.D. (2023). Cybersecurity hygiene: Blending home and work computing. In W. Patterson (Ed.), New Perspectives in Behavioral Cybersecurity. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Still, J. D. & Tiller, L. N. (2021). Exploring understanding and usage of two-factor authentication account recovery. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Human Factors in Cybersecurity

Cain, A. A. & Still, J. D. (2019). Graphical authentication passcode memorability: Context, length, and number. Proceedings of the International Conference of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 63, 447-451. [ Article ]

Still, J. D. & Bell, J. (2018). Incognito: Shoulder-Surfing resistant selection method. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 40, 1-8. [ Article ]

Cain, A. A., & Still, J. D. (2018). Usability comparison of over-the-shoulder attack resistant authentication schemes. Journal of Usability Studies, 13, 196-219. [ Article ]

Cain, A, A., Edwards, M. E., & Still, J.D. (2018). An exploratory study of cyber hygiene behaviors and knowledge. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 42, 36-45. [ Article ]

Cain, A. A., & Still, J. D. (2017). RSVP a temporal method for graphical authentication. Journal of Information Privacy and Security, 13, 226-237. [ Article ]

Cain, A. A., Werner, S., & Still, J. D. (2017). Graphical authentication resistance to over-the-shoulder-attacks. Proceeding of CHI in Late-Breaking Work, 2416-2422. [ Article







Preferred Contact: jstill[at]odu.edu123